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Primary School

Be the best you can be!

What Do I Need To Bring?

What do I need to bring to school?


1. PE Kit

PE day is a Tuesday and Friday. Children come to school in their PE kits on those days and stay in them all day. Children can bring their PE shoes in separately and put these on for PE if they prefer to wear their school shoes.  

PE uniform is on our school website.


2. A clearly named lunch box- if your child is not having a hot meal

Lunch will be taken in the school hall in our allocated time of 11.50am. We will be helping the children to cut up their food and playing an active role in helping them learn table manners. Some children are naturally slow eaters- if you know that your child eats slowly we would appreciate your cooperation in helping them to gently understand why we need them to focus on eating up their lunch.


3. A clearly-named, filled water bottle.

This needs to go home on a daily basis so it can be re-filled at home with fresh water. Children are allowed plain or flavoured water only unless a GP note is provided to state otherwise. Please note that this water bottle is in addition to the one they may have with their packed lunch. 


4. A clearly named book bag.

It is a good idea to put a keyring on the book bag so your child can identify their book bag as it is quite confusing when there are 22 of the same bag!

Please provide a carrier bag (or similar) containing a spare pair of pants and socks in case of any accidents!


5. Appropriate and named outer wear (even gloves and scarves) (coat, jacket, hat, gloves, scarf etc.).

As you know, the English weather is very changeable and a sunny morning can turn into a cold, wet afternoon! Please ensure your child has suitable clothing for the day ahead as children can spend a lot of time working and playing outside.



PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE ensure that everything your child brings into school is clearly labelled. This includes all clothes, shoes, coats (including scarves and gloves) bags, lunch boxes and water bottles. It is very difficult to return property to the rightful owner if it is un-named. 
