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Primary School

Be the best you can be!


Children love writing when they have ideas to write about. The best way to develop these ideas is to read a lot, talk a lot, and experience new and different things. This is something we aim to provide at Shirland Primary School through our daily teaching and provision of new experiences such as trips, visitors to school and a variety of clubs to name just a few. This is also something you can help with at home, as every book you read and discuss with them, every film you chat about, and every trip out whether big or small will feed their imagination. There are lots of other skills that make good writers, such as grammar, punctuation, spelling and handwriting (have a look at the other sections on this page), but having ideas gives them the best start!


Writing skills are taught to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum, and the development matters statements and early learning goals (EYFS). Our writing is linked wherever possible to our topic and science lessons. A copy of our overview is below along with a few links to support you at home. 


