Spelling is an important part of being able to write effectively, and is an essential skill to gain to help a child achieve their potential throughout their school journey and into an adult working life. When children first start to spell independently, they use their phonic skills to help them. Children in the infants will have spellings sent home which are related to the phonics sound they are learning, and will move towards spelling rules as they move through school. In every year group you will also find they are given 'common exception words' to learn. These are words that do not fit the usual spelling rules or cannot be sounded out using phonics, but are very important as they are used frequently. An example of one of these would be 'said'.
To help you help your child with spellings I have included some information below. There are the spellings that are taught in each year group, some advice about different ways to practise, and some links to spelling games. Children have specific spelling lessons in school, but should also practise regularly at home for their weekly spelling tests. If you feel your child is doing regular practise but still consistently struggling, please speak to their class teacher or myself, as we can give further ideas for helping them.
Mrs Banks