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Primary School

Be the best you can be!

Design and Technology

Mrs Sheffield is our Design and Technology leader.

At Shirland Primary School children begin in Reception by developing their skills in expressive arts and physical development areas which are linked to Design and Technology. This learning this supports the requirements of the Development Matters Statements and Early Learning Goals (ELGs).

Children in Year 1 to 6 then build on this to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding to design and make products for a wide range of users and purposes. Children learn to use creative and practical skills to complete processes and evaluate their products. We link our learning to history and geography topics where appropriate. Children also learn about nutrition and how to cook a variety of dishes in order to lead a healthy lifestyle. We cover a range of areas in Design and Technology including construction, mechanisms, electrical systems, textiles and cookery. Throughout children's time in school they progressively build rich technical vocabulary related to technology. 


Our sequence of learning in each unit mainly comprises of:

  • Learning about and evaluating existing products
  • Designing process
  • Making process
  • Testing and evaluating their final product


Here are some examples of Roman aqueducts that have been designed by Year 4 children:

Children also have the opportunity to attend after school clubs related to Design and Technology such as cookery and construction clubs. 
