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Primary School

Be the best you can be!


Mr Smith is our science subject leader

At Shirland Primary School, we use the Developing Experts Science Scheme from Reception to Year 6. This provides teachers with support for each year group in the school.  The scheme supports all the requirements of the national curriculum and the Development Matters Statements and Early Learning Goals (EYFS). Early years skills developed through observing and exploring the natural world around them, describing what they see, feel and hear whilst they are outside, feed into the progression of science skills from Y1-Y6.


We encourage children to be inquisitive about the world around them and promote respect for the living and non-living. The children acquire and develop key knowledge, as well as a range of scientific enquiry skills. Throughout children’s time at our school they progressively build a rich scientific vocabulary.


Science curriculum overview

Science Day 27.06.23

The whole school theme for science day was- Looking after planet earth.

All classes in school got a chance to experience the planetarium that visited.

Science lessons at Shirland Primary School
