Our first task of the year was to look at how important sleep is to help us stay strong and healthy. We have learnt about how important it is to switch off all our screens at least half an hour before bedtime. Please read the information below which explains why sleep is so important.
The i-vengers working with other children in school and explaining how important sleep is.
Just before the Christmas break, the i-vengers visited each class to discuss what films we would all be watching during the holiday.
They taught all the children about the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) age ratings. Lots of the children watch Netflix, Disney plus and Youtube at home.
They carried out a survey and discovered that their favourite Christmas film is 'Home Alone', which is a PG certificate. We talked about what this means.
This is a copy of the age ratings information for film and game classifications.
In November, the i-vengers visited David Neiper Academy in Alfreton. They worked with some of the year 11 students to design a PowerPoint slideshow aimed at helping children to recognise cyber bullying and give them advice on what to do if they think they have been a victim of online bullying. They then presented the slideshow during a whole school assembly.
During the first half of the Autumn term, the i-vengers taught all the classes in school how to choose a strong password. Even our youngest children were able to log on to the school computers using a secret password and the older children were able to choose passwords that a computer would take 47million years to crack!