Our School Day
At the beginning of the day please bring your child to the infant gate and walk through to the Reception gate where they will be welcomed into school by Mrs Dolman, Mrs Kerry or Mrs Cartledge. At the end of the day children are dismissed from the Reception gate.
Your child will be expected to come into school on their own and they will be encouraged to take responsibility for hanging up coats, putting away book bags, lunch boxes etc. We find this is very good for developing their skills of independence!
The Foundation Stage day begins promptly at 9:00am with registration. The gate into school will be opened at 8:50am and will be padlocked at 9:00am. If your child arrives late on any occasion, please come to the main office.
At the end of the school day, parents should collect their child personally, unless a written note has been sent or message given notifying staff of other arrangements. Please watch out for your child and step forward when they get to the front of the queue – we get to know the children very quickly but it takes longer to recognise all of the parents and carers as well. If you are delayed and you text a friend to ask them to collect your child you must inform the school as well. We can only refuse parental access to a child if ‘Parental Responsibility’ (PR) has been altered or suspended by a court order. If this is the case in your family (and you have not already done so), please speak to a member of staff. We apologise in advance if we seem overly protective, officious or strict at the beginning and end of the day; it is because we take the safety and security of our children very seriously.