Mrs Bambrick is our History subject leader.
"How do you know who you are unless you know where you have come from? How can you tell what is going to happen, unless you know what’s happened before? History isn’t
just about the past. It’s about why we are who we are – and about what’s next.”
Tony Robinson
The study of history involves firing pupils’ curiosity, and engaging them in investigating questions about people and events in the past in order to enable them to better understand their lives today.
Through the study of history, pupils become detectives, finding and evaluating evidence, and they develop a wide range of critical thinking skills, which enable them to distinguish between ‘fact’ and 'opinion' when it comes to reaching conclusions and making judgements about the past.
The history curriculum at Shirland Primary School is carefully planned and structured to ensure that current learning is linked to previous learning to help children to “know more and remember more”. A number of visits and enrichment opportunities provide immersive experiences to spark curiosity and help to provide the building blocks for future learning. Over time, our pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain's past and that of the wider world.
In the EYFS framework, History is covered through the 'understanding the world' area of learning. The focus is on the children's and their family's history. We use stories to discuss the similarities and differences between people in the past and to learn about significant events in history.
History Policy
Curriculum Overviews