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Primary School

Be the best you can be!

School Meals and Breaktime Snacks

Our school meals are extremely good and children are encouraged to try everything. We expect politeness and good table manners from all children, whether eating school meals or sandwiches.


Our school meals are supplied by Derbyshire County Council Catering Service.  Their website can be found at:


Dinner money is collected via Parent Pay (our online payment system). At present, dinners cost £2.30 per day (£11.50 per week).


Applications for free school meals may be made online on the link below or please contact school for advice.


Currently, all Infant children (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) are entitled to a school meal free of charge under the Universal Free School Meals scheme.


Sandwich Meals

*Please note we are a NUT-FREE school. * Please ensure that you do not send your child to school with any foods containing nuts.


Children may bring a packed lunch to eat at lunchtime. Please ensure that sandwiches and non-fizzy drinks are brought to school in a suitable container with a secure lid, clearly marked with the child's name. Water is available for sandwich children. Unfortunately, there are no chilled storage facilities for packed lunches and this can be a problem on very warm days. 


Lunchtime Supervision

Children are supervised by an experienced and caring team of midday supervisors and a play leader. The ratio of staff to children is very good and children are expected to co-operate at lunchtime to make the break an enjoyable one for all.

Play is either taken on the playground or on the school field if the weather is fine.


Healthy Snacks (Breaktime snacks)

As part of the fruit for schools scheme, every Infant child will receive a free piece of fruit each morning break.

Junior children are invited to bring in a healthy snack from home or they can purchase a piece of fruit for 20p. Please be reminded that no chocolate or sweets are allowed at snack time. We are a nut free school. 


