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Primary School

Be the best you can be!


We encourage all children to wear the school uniform which helps develop a sense of pride in being part of the Shirland Primary School community. The recommended school dress code is as follows:-


  • grey/black trousers, shorts or skirt (no cycling shorts)
  • maroon sweatshirt or cardigan
  • white polo shirt
  • black shoes or trainers
  • red checked dress (spring/summer)
  • plain black or grey jogging bottoms (winter)


The sweatshirt, cardigan and white polo shirt embroidered with the 'Shirland Primary School' logo should be ordered online at

A fleece jacket and book bag, both with the school logo, are also available.

The grey/black trousers, shorts or skirts may be purchased locally at many supermarkets or clothing stores. Each child is provided with a school cap/sunhat and water bottle by the PTFA (there is no charge for this).


Please label all clothing, especially school polo shirts, sweatshirts/cardigans and outdoor coats. It is very difficult to return lost clothing that is not named.



Children are to come to school wearing their PE kit on their designated PE day. Staff will communicate this day(s) with you. They will still need to wear their maroon school jumper, fleece or cardigan for the other teaching sessions, but are invited to bring a black/grey jumper to wear for PE in colder weather.


PE kit is as follows;

  • 1 pair of black, grey or navy shorts (mid thigh length)
  • white t-shirt (short sleeves, no collar)
  • Plain black, grey or navy jogging bottoms (colder weather)
  • black or grey non-branded jumper (colder weather)
  • 1 pair of pumps or trainers
  • No jewellery, earrings removed and hair should be tied back.


A 'Shirland Primary School' t-shirt, navy shorts may be ordered online at .


We ask that PE kits are clean, clearly labelled and trainers fit well. Please note that hooded tops are NOT allowed for safety reasons. 


During the summer months we ask all parents to ensure that their child brings a hat to school and also has applied sunscreen before coming to school.


Hats/Hair Coverings: Children may not wear hats, caps, handkerchiefs, bandanas, scarves, or other head coverings indoors at school. Exceptions can be made for religious and/or medical reasons.


Hair: Hair should be neat, brushed and tied back if long –for both girls and boys. It should not have tramlines, dyed elements, close shaved, holiday braiding, Mohicans or similar.


Piercings: Earrings if worn must only be small studs and either be removed by the child or left at home on PE days. If ears have been recently pierced, earrings may be taped up with Micropore tape supplied by the family and kept in their school bag. Facial piercings are not permitted.


Necklaces/Chains/Watches: Necklaces and chains are not permitted. Watches can be worn, but must be removed by the child for sporting activities. Exceptions can be made for religious and/or medical reasons. 


Feet: We like the children to wear sensible flat shoes or black trainers. It is advisable that the children bring Wellington boots on snowy or very wet days, as we like to be able to go out in all weathers. Heeled shoes are not acceptable.


Hands/Nails/Make up: Children may not wear bracelets armbands, or multiple rings. Nails should be free of any artificial enhancements or colour. Make up is not permitted.


Non-Uniform Days: A non-uniform day allows a child to express his/her individuality through their attire. The expectation is for the child to wear garments that fit appropriately and are non-offensive. Any article of clothing that is deemed inappropriate for a non-uniform day, will result in the child being required to change. Sometimes for school trips other clothing is requested, please consider appropriateness for the weather conditions expected.


Health and Safety: For safety reasons jewellery must not be worn in school. Only watches and stud earrings may be worn if necessary but they must be removed for P.E. lessons by your child. If your child has recently had their ears pierced, then they will need to cover their ears for PE sessions. We also ask that you sign a form so that your child is allowed to use surgical tape.
