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Primary School

Be the best you can be!

Superstars In Our School!

Today, we have celebrated all of the superstars in our school! We are so honoured to have such a fantastic team at Shirland Primary School and we wanted to show our appreciation to each and every one of them.


So thank you to our fantastic teaching and learning assistants: Mrs Clark, Mr Haley, Mrs Pilkington, Mrs Rosochaki, Mrs Smith, Mrs Telford, Miss Brooks, Miss Morton, Mrs Cartledge and Mrs Owen.

Our incredible office team: Mrs Ogden and Mrs Gilbody

Our wonderful midday team: Miss Bramley, Mrs Chapman, Mrs Morton, Mrs Clark, Ms Pilkington and Mrs Mansfield

Our dedicated wellbeing team: Mrs Harry and Miss Billiard 

And our outside agency support staff: Mr Woodhouse (AVSSP) and Mr Cockayne (IT)

Our lovely catering team: Mrs Else, Mrs Alvey and Ms Harper

Our site team: Mr Chapman, Mrs Chapman and Mrs Smith 


We couldn't do this job without you all!
